Halloween started out in a flurry of activity. I prepared the house and most of the food for our annual Halloween party in the morning before I took my youngest to school for her “Halloween Ho-Down” party. I spent the afternoon at the elementary school going between the two girls classrooms helping out and enjoying the festivities. When we got home I finished getting ready for the party and began cooking waaaay to much food. Family started showing up and we ate, and ate, and ate until it was time go trick-or-treating.

The girls costumes were sooo cute. My youngest was Super Girl. I found her costume at Wal-Mart. My oldest wanted to be a pirate, but I couldn't find one in the stores that fit into the budget and looked nice. So, I set about making her costume. I made her shirt and vest from Simplicity 3644. I didn't like the vest pattern, so I used the jacket and altered it into a vest. I basically just left off the sleeves and slimmed down the shoulders. For fabric I used some of my grandmothers vintage navy polyester. For the shirt I used a white sheet that I no longer needed. I added embroidery around the collar for a custom look. I didn't have any buttons that matched, plus I needed over a dozen. I choose to pick out some brown plastic buttons from my stash that were all close to the same size. Then I used a product called “Rub & Buff” to make them all an antique bronze color. The pattern made up fast and easy. My only gripe about this pattern was the back slit in the vest. It looked horrible after I finished it so, I ended up taking it out and making it my way. I put in a real pleated vent. It looked much better. She wore brown sweats, brown boots, and pirate hat. I found a great wide black belt at the thrift store and put a pouch for all her pirate booty on the belt. And, no pirate could be complete without a pistol. (she didn't take this to school)

We had so much fun trick-or-treating with friends. The girls made it through almost the whole neighborhood before they were done. When we go back the “trading” began. They dumped out their haul and all four kids started shouting and passing candy back and forth.
One holiday down and three more to go. I've already started working on Christmas gifts. 90% of our gifts this year will be handmade. Lots of posts to come on those projects.