Yesterday I received my September Phat Fiber Box. I love getting this box every month. This month the theme was "Myths, Fairytales, Legends, & Lore". There are sooo many pretties in this box. Last night I sat down and spun up all the fiber samples and the yummy yarn samples have been added to my other phatty yarn samples from previous months. I'm saving up all yarns made/received from the Phat Fiber Box to make a larger project. For the sock/sport weight yarns I'm thinking about making some tall wrist / arm warmers. And, for the larger worstedish weight yarns that I have been spinning from fiber samples I'm thinking of a shawl or a very wide scarf. Anywhoo..... Here are the box pics. I'll post pics of the finished yarns today or tomorrow.

The box top and the "flat stuff" - In here there are some gorgeous pearl buttons, and a stitch marker. As well as a postcard and a matchbox note pad.

The fluff was plentiful this month. Just look at all those yummy colors. They all spun up beautifully, but I think my personal favorites are the "Dark Crystal" one (it's purple and in the backish) and the two batts in the middle. One is called "Fairy Farts"!

The yarns are so pretty this month. I think my favorites are the ones in the package (can't really see them here) and the bright blue one.