The title and this photo really says it all. For the Washingtonian that I am this weather is just stifling. It's been in the 90's for over a week and today the thermometer reached 104! It's hard to think about cleaning, sewing, knitting, spinning, or playing with the kids in this kind of weather. But, I have managed to get a few things done in the one cool room of the house. I dyed up some rovings (no pic of those yet) and I finished two commissions. Monday all I did was sew pants...3 pairs to be exact. And, today I made a pair of shorts, a denim skirt, and a Lara Croft gun holster. Pictured below is the Lara Croft gun holster and shorts....please note that these were made for a larger doll.

I did do a little spinning last night while watching a movie with Ray. Tonight I think I'll ply it up. Isn't this roving just ugggo! It was a dye pot boo-boo. I decided to spin it up anyways, as it weighs only 1.5 oz. I was sooo surprised with how it spun up. It's actually looking kinda pretty. And, my hubby told me that it was the nicest dye job that I've done yet..... Go figure!

The girls have been busy in this nice weather. They have been playing outside with friends and we've gone swimming. We also made some play dough and today they made log cabins out of popsicle sticks.