December is always a time for family in our house. Lots of gatherings and general holiday merriment. This year was no different. We had about 20 people at our house for Xmas Eve dinner. Crazy hectic but oh so worth it. I love having lots of family in the house as this is the only time when everyone is together all year. People have begun moving further away and "starting their own lives". So, to me there is nothing better than to hear that roar of laughter and
chattyness echoing through the house. Watching the girls play with family they don't see as often and watching my new son get
oohhed and
awwed over is a wonderful thing. Below are pics of our family which is so very loved.

Lousy picture of my side of the family. Me, with baby
Cael, my parents, hubby, brother and sister in law, and our girls.

Hy husbands dad and step mom with

My mothers best friend and her family. I've known them since I was born. They might not be blood, but they are my brothers and "surrogate parents" non-the-less.

My husbands Mom and her Hubby with the girls about to go to a play downtown. Just look at those smiles!

The kids with my folks. They now live about 4.5 hours from us so having them here with us is always a special treat.

My husband with his gorgeous sisters and mom.

My husbands grandparents. This photo captures them
soooo well!

My brother and sister in law. They are so much fun. My girls always get so excited when they come over.
Cael with is Auntie. He slept with lots of people that day and I got lots of pictures, but I just loved this one.

Christmas morning. I think they are tuckered out!

Christmas morning opening stockings. They had a great day. My oldest daughter got a cell phone (after 5 years of asking Santa for one) and my youngest daughter got
Legos which we played with all day. So much fun!
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