I swear there are some days when my messy desk feels homey and inspiring. And, other days when I just want to toss it all into the garbage and reclaim my art space. Last night I was feeling the latter of the two. To further explain I'm going to give a description of my space and what I'm doing to try and make it better.
My "Art Space" - It's actually a lot more than just that. It's a play space for the kids to play and the computer area. (my hubby and I each have our own computers in here) The walls are a funky and ceiling are a yucky yellow color and there are three low windows in the space. We've built a custom “L” shaped desk and installed shelving on the one full wall in the room. The other mail wall has a fireplace and more shelving that we built above it. The girls have a corner unit with a t-v, buckets of toys, kitchen set, and a small table and chairs. Beyond the true boundaries of the space is a cubic style organizer filled with some of my fabrics and a cabinet that houses my dolls. On some days this room is fairly tity and on others it's like a tornado went off. In essence... this is the central hub of the house.
How I got so much stuff: No one really nows... Ok... well .. I'll admit that I've been a pac-rat most of my life. And, since having kids I've definitely packed on the extra clutter. But, I've finally hit that wall. And, I've recently been stopping to look to look at our home and each item in it and say "Do we really need this?"
What I've been doing to make it all less cluttered: I've been gutting my laundry room (adjacent to my craft/toy space) to make room for overflow fabrics, craft & sewing books, etc. I've also been sorting through my shelving and drawers trying to clean stuff out and make some room. But, Every time I get one area clean, another gets messy again. I know it's getting better, but it seams to never end. I'm also going through the kids toys and all the crafting supplies that I really don't use anymore. We will be painting to room soon. I can't wait for that to happen. The ceiling will be white!!!! And, the walls will be a really pretty grey blue color. And... nothing is going back into the room without having a space and purpose.
Keeping me motivated: I'm posting this pic for all of blogger land to see. Posting this pic is a way for me to keep motivated. And, to always remember that I can drive down the street to donate things and not just throw them out. This room will be great when it's finished. I just have to keep going item by item.
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