So much has changed in our lives in the past 7 months that I hardly know where to begin. Going month to month seems like the way to go.
July and August: Both months saw us packing up the house and hosting birthday parties. Its amazing how much stuff our family has accumulated in the 9 years that we have lived in this house. I'm glad I took the time to go through our things and pack well. I even took the time to keep a binder with inventory sheets with all the boxes and contents. I cant begin to say how much this helped with unpacking. The kids mostly hung with their friends and did some pouting about moving. understandable considering we were about to move them across the state. My baby belly continued to grow, I was still losing weight and feeling generally exhausted and sore. By the end of August Cael knew something was up and started to gt very clingy and fussy. It seemed to throw off his whole schedule. Not good!
September: We moved out on the1st. We were very fortunate to have family come and help. Saying goodbye to friends and family was tough. Especially for our girls. School started on the 3rd. Ray was excited but nervous. She is such a champ.... she loves her school. Alaina hadn't smiled in months. But when we walked around her new middle school she actually smiled. When I got in the car I cried. I still tear up thinking about that smile. She was so unhappy about the move so that smile meant a lot to me. It still took her a few weeks to really start to like her school and make a few good friends. But that smile.... that smile did so much for us all.
October: We finally got keys to the house. It was a forclosure so it was a mess. We still couldn't move in. And with my due date rolling in fast I really couldn't do much to help. My folks made the drive over to help Curtis scrape, clean, and paint. And by the end of October we finally got to move in. Over the month the kids started to enjoy their schools and the Spokane more. Making the final move into the house was so needed. Staying with family was wonderful and it couldn't have gone more smoothly, but being in our own space with our own things really made our lives more comfortable and settled.
November: This month was pretty much the "waiting for baby" month. Everyone (excet me)was busy trying to uppack and keep workingo n the house. I however couldn't. This pregnacy was tough on my whole body and I pretty much just wanted to sleep and rest. Baby finally arrived on the 20th. I'll do a seperate post about him later. We had family in the house for much of this month. It was wonderful and our holiday was peaceful and happy in our new home witho our new babe.
December: Still setteling in really. And waiting for that snow that everyone keeps mentioning. (it never really came) The holidays were the usual busy that happens. But, we got to spend Christmas here ate home with my folks. It was really really nice. We drove over the pass to see family for the New Year.
January: We spent the New Year at my mother in laws house. Lots of family and friends got to see the new babe and the kids got to visit their friends that they have missed so much. Traveling with the new baby and 3 other kids was more tiring and stressful than I thought it would have been. But, I wouldn't trade that trip for anything. We were really missing our family and friends.
I guess that brings us up to date. I'll be doing more posts about our projects and events over the next weeks.
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