
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Another Diapering Post

I guess I couldn't resist a post about diapers today. I should be doing something else right now. Like laundry, gardening, general house cleaning, or outside playing with the kids. But, my motivation level is really low today. So I think I'll do another diaper post.
Since being told that our little man will "very likely" be coming at or before 37 weeks I decided that our diaper stash may need a few more preemie size things just in case. I didn't want to make up a bunch of fitted diapers that he may never wear. Instead I decided to make some preemie prefolds. The JoAnne near our home now has PUL as well as diaper cotton. I made these 2x4x2 and they are approx. 9x12". This makes them the same size as standard preemie prefolds. I am planning on using them inside of some PUL covers like the little yellow one in the photo. I'll need to make one more in that xxs size. (I will have 3 xxs covers then) The prefolds are pictured with a standard NB sposie, one of my Very Baby NB fitteds, and a XXS Starter PUL cover.
Next up are some contour burp cloths. Easy hourglass shape using my own pattern. I used flannel on one side and some chenille that I've had in the house forever on the other side.
Last are some covers and a contour diaper that I bought from Wildflower Mama Designs on Etsy. These are the only covers and/or diapers that I have bought so far. The two covers are made with two layers of insanely soft wool. They are meant for babies NB - 20lbs. But, to me they look to long in the rise for a NB. But, the quality is awesome and I can't wait to use them. I also bought from her a basic all hemp contour diaper. I love how it has no closures. It's meant to be used with pins, snappi, or just tucked inside a cover. I loved this one so much that I used a pattern I had to make some similar. They look almost identical to hers, but mine have more layers in the middle and have longer back wings and a wider front wing area. I'm hopping that they will fit from NB - 20 lbs too.

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